GPAX Statement on Ukraine
The Green Party of the United States’ Peace Action Committee (GPAX) views the unfolding conflict in Ukraine with great concern. We emphatically urge the Biden Administration to use its influence to encourage the resumption of negotiations toward i) a ceasefire in the near-term; and ii) a plan and implementation framework for a sustainable peace. GPAX rejects the Administration’s present approach of frustrating negotiation prospects and perpetually arming Ukraine to weaken Russia through a protracted war of attrition. This will result in more loss of life and devastation in Ukraine and heighten the risk of a Russia-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) conflict with catastrophic escalation potential. Negotiation is the only way to end the suffering in Ukraine and head off a possible nuclear war!
GPAX is also concerned by the extraordinary United States sanctions measures taken against Russia, which include freezing of central bank assets; blocking Russian banks from the SWIFT international payments system; prohibition of investment in the Russian Federation; blocking of Russian debt payments; and encouragement of U.S. corporations to leave Russia. These sanctions are disrupting international trade, weakening the U.S. economy, and undermining confidence in the U.S. financial system. These ill-advised measures have failed to alter Russia’s conduct in the Ukraine war and have backfired by inflicting serious economic damage on America’s European allies. Aggravating international tensions through economic warfare will not bring peace to Ukraine!
Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX)